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Inside Jobs. The Culture Of Disconnect

In this episode of Inside Jobs, Joe Payne, President and CEO at ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥, joins host Shannon McKinnon of Cybercrime Magazine to discuss the cybersecurity industry’s culture of disconnect, how this contributes to the ongoing problem of insider risk, and more.


Key Findings:

  • In this year’s Data Exposure Report, there’s a disconnect between practitioners and CISOs, and the C-Level and Board of Directors
  • 96% of companies experience challenges when it comes to protecting corporate data from Insider Risks
  • 91% of security leaders believe that their company’s Board requires more understanding of Insider Risk

About the Author

Joe brings to ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥ more than 20 years of leadership and a proven track record with high-growth software companies. He has a broad experience base in delivering software and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions to enterprises across numerous industries. As president and CEO of ÒÁÈËÖ±²¥, he drives the company’s strategic direction and oversees all operations. Joe currently serves on the boards of directors of multiple public and private companies, as well as the board of not-for-profit First Focus Campaign for Children.

Profile Photo of Joe Payne